The Hanssen children also attended Opus Dei affiliated schools. In addition, they attend regular meetings and retreats, and they make financial contributions to Opus Dei. They are typically married men and women with families and careers, who devote Supernumeraries account for roughly 70 percent of the organization's total membership. Robert Hanssen and most of his family are at the Supernumerary level of Opus Dei membership.
This was shown in the fictional movie The Da Vinci Code, and as a result it is now heavily associated with all Opus Dei members. Although, not all members of Opus Dei practice mortification, which is the infliction of pain upon oneself. Was Robert Hanssen really a member of Opus Dei like in The Da Vinci Code? The scene at the beginning of the movie Breach, where Eric (Ryan Phillippe) is taking surveillance photos, accurately depicts the type of work that he had done prior to being assigned to the Hanssen investigation. He was part of the SSG (Special Surveillance Group). His official title was Investigative Specialist. What was Eric O'Neill's official title in the FBI?Įric was not an FBI Agent. However, O'Neill was unaware of Hanssen's pornographic fantasies The real Eric O'Neill was told of Hanssen's alleged spying from the beginning.

Only later does Eric's superior in the movie tell him the full truth about Robert Hanssen the spy. In the movie Breach, Eric (Ryan Phillippe) initially believes that he has been assigned to Hanssen to observe his kinky sexual tendencies. Did Eric first believe he was investigating Hanssen for kinky sexual behavior?